What’s meant to be, will be. And Avery and Cody’s love is very much proof of that. After traveling the world for work, in one serendipitous moment, they both end up in the same city. And in an unlikely series of events, the two found themselves on one of the wildest first dates you’ve ever heard.
I remember when I asked Avery to tell me about one of her favorite dates and the reply I got was, “Our first date. I made him raid a retirement community with me (I’ll explain).” My mind went in a million different directions trying to guess what that even meant. So as we walked on the trail during their engagement session I was dying to ask.
She and Cody of course had their own versions of the story, which was even more fun watching them banter back and forth about about the details. But the breakdown I gathered was she picked him up for their first date, and all she told him on the drive was “you have to decide right now if you’re my brother or my husband.”
They walked into a retirement home and as they introduced themselves, it was Cody who still had no idea what was happening and ended up being her brother. So after interviewing the home on what was included, they walked out the doors to which Avery gave Cody another option. Did he want to go with her to another retirement home or go home. Intrigued and still confused they went to another retirement home and this time he was her boyfriend (or husband?).
Their fun game of role play led them to a night of drinks and dinner and the rest is history. And no they weren’t actually looking for a retirement home for a family member.
Actually, engagement sessions can be a lot like a first date for us. We show up, not entirely sure what someone is going to look like. We perhaps share what kind of car we’ll be driving and after waving at a few strangers you realize how popular a silver tundra is in Colorado. And finally we connect and start making small talk, trying to keep our “social distance.” And right out of the gate the conversation outside the porta-potties is easy. They like your jokes, you like theirs and before you know it, it’s like you’re old friends on a hike in your dress clothes.
I honestly don’t know what we would do without engagement sessions with our couples. We get this amazing gift of quality time together, which just makes walking into their wedding day so much easier. We get to hear details about their epic first dates, what food and drinks they love to share and in general just have a really great “double date” together.
What makes it even more fun, is getting to visit these amazing locations, that even after years of living in Colorado, I’ve never been before. For Avery and Cody’s engagement we found ourselves in Colorado Springs at Red Rock Canyon Open Space.
Surrounded by incredible rock formations; trails wander all through the valley revealing more of God’s goodness. It was truly the PERFECT location for these two to capture this fun season of their lives… and also get those save-the-dates in the mail.
We honestly luck out with our BG Couples. Getting to be around people who are relaxed and enjoy keeping things fun makes such a difference in our experience. And with Avery and Cody poking fun and laughing all day, it made our adventure up through Red Rocks Canyon that much more enjoyable.
And on a personal note… Please join me encouraging them to make their wedding hashtag #Canyoubelievethisschmidt? (Avery’s idea)
Avery and Cody, we can’t wait to celebrate with you this fall at your wedding. It’s going to be a memorable event for sure.

Are you looking for a moment to slow down and take a break from all the wedding planning? An engagement session can be one of the best moments you do during this season to celebrate and savor this busy season. Let’s plan an adventure that’s so perfectly you. Check out all the details on our Engagement Page. You deserve a moment together!
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